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14 Fundamental Cooking Techniques You Should Know!

Cooking may seem intimidating and complex. But in essence it's super simple - you cook it. Don't let silly french names scare you off from starting your journey to cooking.

With these fundamental cooking techniques, there's nothing you can't do in the kitchen.

Start your culinary journey today!

1 - Grill

Grilling is simply cooking on a rack over heat, usually using charcoal or wood.

2 - Pan Fry

Pan frying is cooking in a pan with a small amount of fat, usually oil or butter, so that the food doesn't stick to the pan.

3 - Deep Fry

Deep frying is cooking fully submerged in oil, usually with a coating of breadcrumbs or seasoned flour.

4 - Sauté

Sautéing is cooking quickly in a pan with a small pan with a bit of fat, usually oil or butter.

5 - Boil

Boiling is simply cooking in boiling liquid (212 °F/100°C), usually water, or milk for fish.

6 - Roast

Roasting is cooking where hot air completely covers the food, usually in an oven.

7 - Bake

Baking is the same as roasting, however usually refers to bread or desserts.

8 - Sear

Searing is frying on a high heat (usually meat, poultry or fish) until the surface starts to caramelize and a crust forms.

9 - Poach

Poaching is cooking food by submerging in a liquid, usually water, milk, stock or wine.

10 - Simmer

Simmer is cooking in hot liquids kept just below the boiling point of water 212 °F (100 °C).

11 - Steam

Steaming is cooking in steam. This is done by keeping the food separate from the continuously boiling water, usually below the food.

12 - Blanche

Blanche is to boil vegetables in water for a short period of time.

13 - Braise

Braising is cooking meat using both dry and wet heats. Usually, the meat is seared at a high heat and then covered in a pot at a lower temperature.

14 - Stew

Stewing is cooking solid foods in liquids at a low heat, usually for a long period of time.

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